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We Love MCR's biggest + best Great MCR Run!

Sunday 22nd May saw 20,000+ fill Manchester's streets for the 19th Great Manchester Run, including the biggest fundraising team We Love MCR Charity has ever had!

The collective fundraising total for We Love MCR's team came to an incredible £13,822! (correct as of Tuesday 24th AM) A sum to be proud of for every single fundraiser who took part. The money raised will go directly to our Funds 'giving heart' to Manchester's communities and young people.

Man smiling in running gear with medal round his neck.
Henry was our first returning runner from the half-marathon, well done Henry!

Our 60 fantastic fundraisers completed a mix of half-marathons and 10Ks, while joining us at Manchester Town Hall Extension for our 'VIP Experience' - where we offered storage facilities and refreshments to our runners, aiming to make the run the only thing they needed to worry about.

We Love MCR member of staff pouring prosecco into glasses.
Our Grants Officer, Kalu, preparing the fizz for returning runners!

The We Love MCR team consisted of brilliant individuals and teams from many of our corporate Partners - Manchester City Council, Space & Time, Hive Projects, Vimto, EHI, Softcat, MCRactive, The Manc, and Manchester Trainee Solicitors Group!

3 fundraisers stood in front of the Emmeline Pankhurst statue in St. Peter's Square.
Team Vimto before their run!

Next year we're planning to make the team, and VIP Experience, even bigger... Keep your eye out on our social media channels, and if you're part of a Manchester business interested in exciting and unique opportunities for you and your staff before anyone else gets a look-in - get in touch at

A massive Manc thanks from We Love MCR Charity to the Great Run Company and MCR Active for their generous support to make this pioneering VIP event a success. Use of the Town Hall Extension was kindly provided by Manchester City Council, and thanks to their security on the door, Pav, for his assistance. Huge thanks also to MCC's Kendra Bannerman for her volunteer support, helping us to give a fantastic experience to our runners.



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