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We Love MCR's biggest + best Great MCR Run!

Sunday 21st May saw our biggest fundraising team we’ve ever had join 25,000+ others to fill Manchester's streets for the 20th Great Manchester Run!

The collective fundraising total, as of Friday 26th, came to an incredible £35,200+!

This is the biggest total we’ve ever had at the Great Manchester Run, on our 3rd appearance in the event, so we extend our utmost praise and thanks to every single fundraiser who pounded the tarmac for We Love MCR. The money raised will go directly to our work supporting Manchester's unbeatable communities and ambitious young people.

Our grants manager Marie smashing the run!

128 brilliant Mancs completed a mix of half-marathons and 10Ks, while joining us at Manchester Town Hall Extension for our 'VIP Offer' event - sponsored by Sync - where we offered storage, facilities and refreshments to our runners, aiming to make the run the only thing they needed to worry about. The pictures below show just how handy the offer is!

Lrge number of people queueing for public toilets in Saint Peter's Square
Queues for loos - not for our runners though!

The We Love MCR team consisted of brilliant individuals and teams from many of our corporate Partners. The list includes Manchester City Council, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Softcat, Manchester Young Professionals, Northcoders, JMW Solicitors, RSM, NG Bailey and Lendlease colleagues working on the Town Hall redevelopment, Zenith Management, EHI, Thirst, Manchester Trainee Solicitors Group, Far East Consortium, and members of the public who wanted to support We Love MCR!

Special shout-outs to our continually generous partners at Sync who sponsored the event, which helped make it the success it was! Also to Hannah Collins from Quay Street Productions (our highest single fundraiser with £900!), and to Cllr Bev Craig, Leader of Manchester City Council, who fired the starting gun and then set off on her own run to raise funds for us as part of her twin fundraising efforts with the GMR and our upcoming 3 Peaks Challenge.

Team RSM said to us after the run:

“Thank you We Love MCR for hosting the RSM Manchester team. It was a privilege to run the Manchester 10k on your behalf and raise money for your great charity. We had a fabulous day in the glorious Manchester sunshine!”
Some of Team RSM!

On the day, British Olympian Sir Mo Farah also finished eighth in the penultimate race of his incredible career, and took pictures with two of our runners Heather Aspinall from Manchester Young Professionals and Rachel Chappell from MCC!

Next year we hope to keep beating our best and have an even bigger team of big-hearted Mancs running with us... Keep your eye out on our social media channels, and if you're part of a Manchester business interested in exciting and unique opportunities for you and your staff before anyone else gets a look-in - get in touch at

A massive Manc thanks from We Love MCR Charity to the Great Run Company and MCRactive for their generous support to make this pioneering VIP event a success. Use of the Town Hall Extension was kindly provided by Manchester City Council, and thanks to their security on the door, and to the brilliant volunteers Asbeena, Chloe, Sarah, Euan, Lucy and Kevin, who helped us to give a fantastic experience to our runners.

See great pics from our runners below!


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