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Manchester's Rising Stars Fund boosts business-minded brothers!

Samuel and Ethan are enterprising Mancunian brothers, who have their heart set on creating a sustainable and successful business in the emerging drone photography field.

A picture of Samual and Ethan outside, one holding a drone, one holding the control pad.
The two entrepreneurs!

Samuel told us his ambition is to develop and grow the business to employ other young people from his community, showing through their efforts what young Black men can and do achieve.

This isn’t just a dream to the brothers, they have already received initial professional commissions and have submitted proposals to us on how they would develop their business with our support, citing building contractors and local Councils as target customer-bases.

As an emerging technology; drones are very expensive, and the two got by last year with a low-spec model and with their sheer enthusiasm. To go further, they need professional equipment and licences. They’ve been supported so far by their Mum, but on top of putting herself through university the family’s finances are stretched.

We Love MCR Charity’s trustees were impressed by the ambitions of these young Mancunians, and awarded Samuel and Ethan £4,808 from the Manchester’s Rising Stars Fund to comprehensively support their enterprise.

This includes website development to promote their work, a GVC drone licence for full legal cover, two higher spec drones to enable them to offer a full professional service, and a year’s business insurance.

Samuel said to us:

“We really appreciate the award and feel so lucky, it will positively impact our lives and opportunities in the future. This solidifies the business and gives us more motivation to push through hardships knowing we have people behind us. Our ambition will be unmatched because of the opportunity given. We’re extremely grateful for the support from We Love MCR.”

We Love MCR Charity is delighted to have supported these ambitious brothers, a pair of Mancunian Rising Stars!


We Love MCR Charity awards grants every single month to ambitious young Mancunians. If you know, or are, a young person who is facing financial barriers to ambitions in work, qualifications or entrepreneurship, then give us an email at and check the Manchester's Rising Stars Fund page for more info.


Elaine Ball
Elaine Ball

"Samuel and Ethan are enterprising Mancunian brothers" I've met the two boys and have never failed to be impressed by their politeness, ambition and resilience. Well done and well deserved. Dr Elaine

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